WP1 – Managemente and coordination

WP1 is devoted to the coordination of scientific and administrative activities, ensuring the timely evolution and contingency plan actuation of COgITOR.

WP2 – Sensing

Here we will develop the sensing skin of the robot, that will be able to sense a touch and identify the position of the contact. Our skin will also be capable of self-healing, in case of accidental damage due to contact with a sharp blade or spiky rock.

WP3 – Computing

Here we will develop the liquid state memory and brain of the robot, testing an innovative design based on the holonomic architecture and on a proprietary integrated system, called Dandelium, that will perform high frequency tomographies of the COgITOR from inside.

WP4 – Energy harvesting

Here we will develop a subsystem responsible for the liquid robot metabolism, converting heat into electrical energy for powering the Dandelium.

WP5 – Integration & testing

The final integration & testing of COGITOR prototype receives output from WP2, WP3 and WP4 and realizes the combined assessment of self-healing and fault-tolerance capabilities; interference between its functionalities, operation in extreme environment. Testing in such representative harsh conditions will be executed in water, seawater and oil bath where temperature ranges between 0 and 90 °C, pressure ranges between 1 and 100 bar, and a magnetic field that ranges between 0 and 1 T.

WP6 – Dissemination, Exploitation and communication activities

WP6 is devoted to the exploitation of results; dissemination of scientific breakthrough at conferences and public events; communication to specific and non-specific audiences.